Director's & Officers Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 20 2019
Location: Bob Sisler's Home and via Teleconference
Present: Grant Brooker, Dan Carbonneau, Nancy Gray, Brian Lee and Bob Sisler
1. Adoption of Agenda – Approved (added Feature Rides and Parking)
2. Approval of Minutes – January 23, 2019 – approved
3. Membership – 94 registered, 18 of whom are new
4. Business Arising from Minutes
Annual Club Affiliation Successful? – Yes (confirms by Brian)
Club Registration Open Date – Nancy noted she will not be ready until March 15 2019.
Review of Policies o/s:
Screening (Nancy) – Board reviewed original policy approved in 2017, noting that Section 4 read as follows:
Not all individuals associated with the Organization will be required to obtain a C$C o submit a Screening Disclosure Form because not all positions pose a risk of harm to the Organization or to its participants. The Organization will determine which individuals will be subject to screening using the following guidelines (variations from the guidelines are at the sole discretion of the Organization):
After discussion it was agreed that given the nature of the operations of the club, (eg. No coaching, limited financial resources), requirements for board members to obtain Criminal Record checks, and completion of any other Screening Forms would be waived for 2019 in accordance with Section 4 above.
Accessibility (Dan)* – Board reviewed the Oakville Cycling Club policy, supplied by Dan and agreed that it was appropriate for AV. Nancy agreed to edit for AV.
D&O Insurance? - Brian confirmed the application had been completed and the fee paid.
Form 1, Ontario Corporations Act – corrections required? – Nancy confirmed it had been corrected and resubmitted.
Banking / Signing? –Grant confirmed he had been to the back and was now added as a signing officer.
Budget – Grant noted he had edited as discussed last meeting. Approved – and included in Appendix A. ​
Indoor Spinning – Nancy received certificate today for Goodlife, no guests allowed this year. She will submit to Goodlife.
Spring Social – March 8, 2019 at the Coach – Grant will ask Sheri if she needs a deposit. It was agreed there would be a short meeting at the beginning to approve last year’s financials and distribute the budget. Grant will prepare a summary of the survey and share it at the Coach, along with the Budget and the fiscal 2018 results. ​
Ride Leader Training – Wed March 27, at the Coach – Bob and Dan will meet to review and update this year’s material. Review at March 20 meeting.
Survey Results – Dan reviewed with the group, and noted that feedback was generally quite positive. After reviewing results of start time question – it was agreed that times for 2019 ride year would be as follows:
April and October 10 am
May, August September 9am
June and July 8:30 am
Other start locations – it was agreed the Dutch school (permission granted to park) would be considered.
Ice cream ride (truck at parking lot) – will be considered, as will a century and/or solistice ride. Brian to add to calendar.
Other feedback – it was noted that sharing the feedback on questions associated with ride management with the ride leaders at the training would help build awareness of members’ perceptions and suggestions. Dan and Bob to consider.
Day time running lights – it was agreed that our Risk Management policy would be updated to add “daytime flashing rear red lights are strongly recommended”. Nancy to edit Risk Management document for 2019.
Ride Leader Signup Method – Brian confirmed he spoke with Lesley and she is working on it. Will be mentioned at March 8 social with a plan to be ready to go by March 27 ride leader meeting. ​
Calendar – Brian confirmed he will edit and re submit to OCA.
Clothing/Order Management – Ted will manage in 2019. Bob will ask Ted to contact Brian to finalize.
Open House – Ancaster Cycle – Feb 26 - Bob and Dan will attend, Bob has asked Sheri and Teresa if they are available as well.
New Business
Web page – It was agreed updates are needed, however Lesley has been waiting for our pictures. Members should send and/or advise they won’t be sending. Dan will be the key liaison with Lesley, other directors should go through Dan.
Report from OCA Summit* - Nancy reviewed. Agreed that $500 contribution to Share the Road could be considered for 2020, as 2019 Budget cannot support it.
Next Meeting
Date: March 20, 2019
Location: Bob’s house