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Director's & Officers Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Location: Nancy’s Home

Present: Grant Brooker, Dan Carbonneau, Nancy Gray, Brian Lee (by phone), and Bob Sisler


Regrets:  None

1. Adoption of Agenda – approved with addition of two items

  • Spring Social

  • Publicity. 


2. Approval of Minutes – November 3, 2018, September 26, 2018 – approved


3. Business Arising from Minutes 


  • Annual Club Affiliation Application – Brian reported he had filed the application, including the Risk Management Plan. Updated Risk Management Plan to be put on web. Five required policies posted on web and submitted. Last two policies are not required for submission until April and these include Accessibility and Screening.  Nancy will follow up on applicability of these for a non-competitive, adult cycling club. Once the OCA confirms okay, registration will open. Target – February 15, 2019. 

  • Directors and Officers Insurance Application – Nancy will follow up and work with Brian to submit application and payment.   

  • Recommendation from OCA re web page – Done. 

  • Form 1, Ontario Corporation Initial Return/Notice of Change – Nancy submitted December 2018.  


4.  New Business


  • Budget – Directors reviewed the draft that Grant had prepared, and small changes were made resulting in no change to the annual membership fee of $35.  Grant will finalize and bring back to next meeting.                                                                          

  • Indoor Spinning? – Sheri Ojero joined the meeting by phone. Sheri outlined the tentative arrangements for the winter spinning ‘camp’. Three Sundays (Feb 24, March 3, and March 10). The dates and the $5 fee for non GoodLife members are consistent with prior years. Sheri will finalize with Goodlife, Grant will take payment to Goodlife ($432.75), and Nancy will follow up on new requirement to submit club insurance certificate. 

  • Ride Leader Training and Spring Social – Agreed on dates that are consistent with last year: 

    • Spring Social – Friday March 1, 2019 

    • Ride Leader Training – Wednesday March 27, 2019

Sheri will investigate suitable venues. Sheri left the meeting. 

  • Member Survey – Directors reviewed the draft survey and made some changes. Nancy to make changes. Survey to be sent to last year’s members and results to be reviewed at next meeting. 

  • Ride Leader Online Sign Up Method – Directors discussed changes being studied by Brian and Lesley Scime (web master). New process would allow ride leaders to go onto website anytime and sign up for rides they are available to lead. They could see routes by date. Members would be able to check this website before rides to see if there were ride leaders for upcoming rides. Directors noted this would eliminate the need to rider leaders to commit to dates up to a month in advance which had been a complaint in the past. Brian will report back next month on progress. 

  • Clothing Order/Management – Brian will follow up and report back next meeting.                        

  • Calendar– Brian has been working on a draft and will add the dates discussed above. First ride - tentatively planned for Saturday April 6, dependent on weather.  

  • OtherPublicity – Bob reported he had been asked to participate in an upcoming Open House at Ancaster Cycle, and was asked to bring a female club member along. Dan suggested a brochure be placed in local bike shops. Dan also shared a small magazine he picked up in Fortino’s which had an article on local cycling clubs, and included pictures from Ancaster Velo and other clubs.



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Appendix A


2019 Operating Budget 

Jan 28 2019


Next Meeting 

Date:  February 20, 2019

Time:  7:00 pm

Location:  Bob’s house

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