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Director's Board Meeting Minutes


July 6, 2018

7:00 pm


Location:  Brian Lee's Home

Present:  Brian Lee, Nancy Gray, Dan Carbonneau, Teresa Vallera

Brian Lee called a meeting of the Directors due to the resignation letter from Mark Collings (President).  The email and letter sent by Mark Collings with his resignation effective July 1, 2018 was circulated to the group for review.  


A motion was made by Brian Lee to accept the resignation of Mark Collings as President.  The motion was accepted by Nancy Gray and seconded by Teresa Vallera.


A motion was also brought forward by Teresa Vallera to nominate Brian Lee as President.  The motion was accepted by Nancy Gray and seconded by Dan Carbonneau.  Brian Lee accepted the motion and resigned as Vice-President.


A motion was made by Brian Lee to bring Dan Carbonneau on board as Vice-President.  The motion was accepted by Nancy Gray and seconded by Teresa Vallera.


Teresa Vallera will complete the Form 1 with the noted changes to President and Vice-President adding both Brian Lee and Dan Carbonneau and will remove Mark Collings as President.  


Action:  T. Vallera


Brian Lee will send out an email to the group explaining the changes to the Executive membership.


Action:  B. Lee


The Executive discussed a gift for the outgoing President.   In recognition of Mark Collings’ service, a 100.00 gift certificate will be purchased.  


Action: N. Gray


A suggestion was made to arrange a get together acknowledging Mark Collings’ services. A recommendation was made to present the gift to Mark Collings at this get together.  All members were in agreement.  Nancy Gray informed the group that with the increased membership there would be enough money in the budget to pay for appetizers.  Teresa Vallera will speak to Sherri Ojero about arranging a venue and date.


Action:  T. Vallera


Nancy Gray also suggested that the banking resolution would need to be updated removing Mark Collings’ name and adding Brian Lee’s name.  Nancy Gray will go to the bank to advise and obtain paperwork for signing. 


Action:  Nancy Gray and Brian Lee


  • Bob Sisler resigned as member at large in the past week. A recommendation was made to reinstate Bob Sisler as a member at large. All members were in agreement. At this point Brian Lee also expressed interest in getting more people involved in the Executive. It was felt that members at large should be added as Directors. The bylaws were reviewed and this is something that will be considered in the future.  


  • A lengthy discussion pursued regarding routes not being posted without a ride leader.   The agreement was that if there was no ride leader 24 hrs. prior to a ride, there would be no route posted on Ride with GPS.   A note will be sent out to the membership informing riders that if there is no ride posted for their group; they may opt to ride with one of the other groups.  There will be no sanctioned rides for groups without ride leaders. A suggestion was made to attempt to get ride leaders to do more and to get the message across that we need ride leaders with a personal touch.  Dan Carbonneau, Nancy Gray and Teresa Vallera will speak to the ride leaders in their groups this week and encourage ride leaders to sign up.  Dan Carbonneau will be added to the Google Groups were the ride leader information can be found.   If this attempt does not work, Brian Lee will send out with the following message:


No ride leader no posting to Ride with GPS

Respect the ride leader and what they are doing and making it clear that disrespect for the ride leader will not be tolerated.


Action:  D. Carbonneau, N. Gray, T. Vallera, B. Lee


  • The Discipline and Complaints policy will be re-circulated for final approval.


Action:  T. Vallera


  • Brian Lee will talk Lesley Scime regarding updating the website.


  • Nominations for the Executive will be circulated in October.  Brian Lee would be happy to carry on if elected.  


  • There was a discussion regarding information being repeated at the “dutch” school.  If you do not report in the parking lot for the start of the ride, it is your responsibility to attain the information.  Instructions will not be repeated at the “dutch” school.  A clear message will be sent to the group that there is one start to the ride.  Brian Lee will send out a note.


Action:  Brian Lee

Next meeting

July 25, 2018 

7:00 pm 

Teresa Vallera’s Home

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