AGM Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2018
7:00 pm
Location: Ancaster Recreation Centre, Jerseyville Road
Present: Brian Lee, (President) Nancy Gray, (Treasurer), Dan Carbonneau, (Vice President), Robert Sisler, (Member at large), Teresa Vallera, (Secretary), Harold Gruneburg, Remo Camillo, Lois Corey, Ted Chamberlain, Gary Rogerson, Gasper Brun
Proxies Submitted by: P. Camillo, C. Fletcher, L. Constable, K. Jobba, L. Scime, V.Scime, M. Fletcher, R. Bartolo, K. Cameron, T. Hansen, S. Jeong, D. Hanna,S. Ojero, M. Denton, N. Hague, E. O’Neil, S. Reinholt, D. Lane, R. Plant, J.Busch, C. Chrysler, T. Gardner, S. Stucco, J. Wilkinson, R. Reinholt, J.Guichellar
1.Adoption of Agenda – A motion by Lois Corey was put forward to approve the Agenda and seconded by Dan Carbonneau. Approved.
2. Receipt and Approval of 2017 Minutes – A motion by Remo Camillo was put forward to approve the AGM Minutes of 2017 and seconded by Harold Gruneburg. Approved.
3. President’s Report – Brian Lee
Brian reported a successful year of cycling with very few reported incidents and he felt the year ran quite smoothly.
Brian thanked all members of the Executive as well as Ken Jobba for planning the routes and feature rides. Sheri Ojero was thanked for the social events. Lesley Scime was thanked for maintaining the website. All ride leaders were also thanked.
Brian reported that Ken Jobba would continue to look after route planning and feature rides. Sheri Ojero will continue to act as social convener and Lesley Scime will continue with the website. Brian Lee will be soliciting for a volunteer to manage
the ride leaders. Brian stated he was open to suggestions for attaining more ride
leader volunteers.
Brian stated there has been an increase in membership from 150 to approximately162 this year. He reported two accidents, both of which were reasonably minor. He stated members should continue to follow ride policies and ride safely and non-aggressively.
Brian noted the number of extra events this year included indoor spinning sessions, monthly feature rides, Dunnville Grand Tour and a Copetown Golf Club ride and
Brian thanked Mark Collings for all his work as President over the last few years.
Going forward the Club will continue the association with OCA and CCN which provides the Club with liability insurance and cards for registration. Both Brian Lee and Robert Sisler attended the OCA annual workshop.
The Executive spent a considerable amount of time this year reviewing and putting together club policies which are being posted on the website. Thanks to Teresa and Nancy for their work on these policies. OCA requires clubs to have these policies.
Two club kit orders were placed this year through THC. In previous years there were issues with orders being late, incomplete, etc. This year there have been no
complaints about kit orders or quality. Rosemary O’Brien was thanked for looking
after clothing.
Ride leaders continued to be a challenge to organize. In the end it did work out this year, as we did not cancel many rides due to no ride leader. Some rides had to be combined. If anyone has any ideas on how to reorganize ride leaders, we are open to suggestions. A member asked if the ride leader could be chosen the day of the ride rather than cancel. It was reported Group 2 and 3 usually has someone who can be ride leader. Group 1 and 4 this is not the case. There were some suggestions:
One suggestion was that a leader (and or a pair of leaders) could commit to cover every Tuesday or Thursday.
Another suggestion was to post a schedule on the web and then a leader would enter their name beside each ride. It was suggested to link this document to Ride with GPS.
Think of an incentive to get people to be ride leaders such as a partial membership rebate.
Conduct a survey to gain some insight as to why members are not interested in being ride leaders.
It was noted that probably 95 per cent of rides had ride leaders. It was a similar situation as 2017.
4. Financial Report (3rd quarter) – The financial report was circulated for review. There is a year to date surplus of $1,454. The surplus resulted partly due to the increased number of members. The year-end get-together at Pub Fiction should
come close to the budgeted $600. A little more money was spent on the Spring Social than budgeted. There was an additional non-budgeted expense for the thank you party for Mark Collings. The Good Life spin classes made a bit of money. There is currently a cash balance of $5,559. The club strives to maintain a cash balance between $ 4,000 – $5,000 to help minimize bank fees. Grant Brooker (New Treasurer) will do the budget for next year later this fall.
5. Election of Officers – Nominations circulated with the agenda were as follows:
President: Brian Lee
Vice-President: Dan Carbonneau and Robert Sisler
Treasurer: Grant Brooker
Secretary: Nancy Gray
Prior to the Annual Meeting, Robert Sisler requested that his nomination be withdrawn, hence all Executive Positions were filled by acclamation.
6. Proposals Tabled by Members:
Niagara Parkway Feature Ride –
Resolution – Continue this feature ride.
After the proxies were tallied and the members present at the AGM were tallied; the Niagara Parkway Feature ride will continue.
Jersey Design
Resolution – Revert to Original Design
After the proxies were tallied and the members present at the AGM were tallied; we will not revert to the old Ancaster Velo jersey design.
Additional Director for 2019
Resolution – Board appoint one additional Director for 2019
After the proxies were tallied and the members present at the AGM were tallied; an additional director will be added for 2019.
7.0 Adjournment
Informal Discussion:
Harold Gruneberg reported that, in his experience with other clubs motions for an AGM are usually from the Board and should only be about the Constitution or other legal issues. Members concerns regarding safety or other Club Rules, Regulations or Policies should first be brought to the Board during the year. If the member is not satisfied with the response, they are entitled to make a Motion with a seconder and have it addressed at the AGM under New Business. After discussion the issue at the AGM, the Motion is voted down, accepted or given to the incoming Board to get member consensus, which could be done by a survey. The Board was elected by the Members to make the final decisions about all Club Rules, Regulations or Policies based on the best interest of the Club. After further discussion it was agreed that the three proposals from members on the agenda today were submitted in accordance with Ancaster Velo’s ByLaws, and many members had already submitted proxies on these proposals so the proposals would be considered at this meeting.
Can we have the annual general meeting during the week rather than the weekend? Survey for Annual General meeting, date and time.
Jersey – review what we are doing with clothing. If we have an issue with the material why don’t we go to the current supplier with the material that we like? Ted Chamberlain agreed to research.
It was noted that no one tabled a proposal on start times. Executive will discuss and consider issuing a survey before the start of the season. It was noted that in the months of October and November in some earlier years, we had rides in the afternoon instead of the morning. Other options include Spring and Fall later start times and for the hot months slightly earlier, or one day, 8:00 am and one day 9:00 am.
A member noted that we need to promote that if there is no call for turning, we should assume we are going straight through.