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Meeting Minutes


June 18, 2018

7:00 pm


Location:  Nancy Gray’s Home

Present:  Mark Collings, Teresa Vallera, Robert Sisler, Brian Lee, Dan Carbonneau

Finance Update – Nancy Gray reported that this month, the bank fees and money for membership cards were charged to the account.  The Ride with GPS yearly fee is due however has not yet been charged.  Nancy Gray reported that we are currently ahead of budget. 


Registration – Teresa Vallera reported that to date, there were 156 riders registered with 50 of the riders being new.  Thirty-five riders were removed from the Google Groups distribution list, as they have not renewed.  Teresa Vallera will rename the Google Groups registration list to reflect 2018.


Action: T. Vallera


OCA Woman Day Ride – There were two registered riders for this event.  Group 4 had a total of 7 riders.  It was felt this ride was not well promoted.  One of the two registered riders has joined Ancaster Velo.


Ride Leader Protocol – There was discussion on ride leaders not being able to take control of the group rides, as there appears to be too much interference from other riders.  The Executive was in agreement that ride leaders are in charge of rides from start to end of ride.  This concern relates specifically to Groups 3 and 4.  There are no concerns with groups 1 and 2. Group 4 rides have a tendency to have a lot of chatter and riders not paying attention.  It was noted that if a ride leader is not comfortable dealing with the situation, as long as it does not pose any danger, the ride leader could call Mark or any member of the Executive after the ride. A note will be added to the monthly newsletter that Ride leaders control the rides and should deal with any concerns on the ride.


Action:  M. Collings 


Library – Bob Sisler reported that he attended the information session at the Ancaster Library.  He had three participants and stated it went very well.


Breakfast – The breakfast was well attended and enjoyed by all. The Executive agreed to try it again next year. 


Incident Review – The Committee discussed at length an incident, which occurred on June 10th. The ride leader and a member of the executive made Mark Collings aware of the incident. Mark Collings asked the individual for an explanation of the event that occurred. The individual responded with a letter, which was read to the Executive. The Executive was in agreement that the behavior was not acceptable, regardless of explanation and reasons. The individual also proceeded to make a negative comment regarding the Club on social media. Mark Collings prepared a response letter to the individual stating the behavior was unacceptable and would not be tolerated by the Club. Due to the incident and the social media post, the individual would be put on notice and if any further incidents occur, the individual would be removed from the Club.  The Executive suggested some small changes.  The executive voted, with one executive member abstaining as one executive member was mentioned in the individual’s letter.  All members voted and agreed that the letter should be sent. The letter will be sent via email with a “read receipt”.




Next meeting

July 25, 2018 

7:00 pm 

Teresa Vallera’s Home

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