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Director's & Officers Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Location: Bob's Home

Present: Brian Lee, Nancy Gray, Dan Carbonneau, Bob Sisler

Regrets:  Grant Brooker  

1. Adoption of Agenda – approved


2. Approval of Minutes – May 15, 2019, Pre-circulated and approved.


3. Membership – 128 year to date (35 new)


4.  Web Page – Good 

5. Financial Report – Grant sent the following note in advance of the meeting:

Our bank balance as of today is $5,644.55.  

We have had revenues/memberships to date of $3,578 representing approximately 122 members.  Our expenses have been $2,685 to date.  Beginning bank balance of $4,752 plus revenue of $3,578 less expenses of $2,685 equals $5,645 so it balances 


The same remaining expenses to pay include those we don't expect to pay until after the riding season is over (ride leader thank you party, year end get together). One expense to pay soon is the Ride with GPS membership, budgeted at $350.

Brian noted he had recently paid the RWGPS and would be submitting the bill for reimbursement shortly. 


6. Business Arising from Minutes 


  • Ride leader signup method/leading – Brian, et al


Continuation of discussion and confirmation of approach for 2019 – 


After discussion it was agreed that no changes will be made to the method of sign up for 2019. We will stick with the ‘excel workbook’, which seems to be working for most folks now. Brian will send another note reminding members that as long as AVC qualified ride leader agrees to lead (even if it is in the parking lot), ride will be an AVC ride. If no qualified ride leader is available, riders choosing to ride on their own will not be insured under the AVC policy. 

7.  Upcoming Events


Feature Rides:

  • Dar’s Delights – Sat June 22 – confirmed, Ken has adjusted start times

  • Holid-a-Ride – Sunday July 7 – as per schedule

  • Development Group Rides – two weeks left in pilot. Heather has not attended the last two Tuesdays, and Nancy noted she had emailed Heather to f/u.

8.  Past Events 

  • Women's Ride – Sat June 1 (update) 


Nancy reported there were only 2 women who followed the short route. Having a try-a-ride on the same day was complicated – one man wasn’t sure if he could try since it was the women’s ride day. Suggest next year we not have both on the same day.  The five water bottles received from the OCA were given out at a women’s pot luck evening (thanks Marne) based on quiz scores. The quiz had 8 questions about cycling and AVC.


9.  Policies


  • Policy suggestions from Silver Spokes, c/f to off season – agreed.


10.  New Business


  • Clothing orders – Brian will follow up with Ted to see if there were any issues. 


11.  Adjournment – 8:00 pm 


Next meeting:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019*

Brian's House

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